Cooking My First Ribeye
Growing up my mother mostly cooked with chicken, turkey or ground beef. We would have a pot roast on Sundays. On occasion she would fry up some pork chops. It was only natural for me to repeat what was modeled when I married almost 15 years ago. It never occurred to me to purchase steak since my husband and his family like to hunt. We would typically fill the freezer up on venison and buy chicken or turkey from the grocery store. My success rate with cooking venison is definitely not something to brag about especially since I had never cooked/eaten venison before getting married; nor understood why in the world anyone would want to eat deer meat. Once again it went back to my childhood where we went to the store for meat and no one in my family hunted.
I have never cooked steak before but since I am a part of the G Farms team, I knew that I needed to cook one of our steaks. My husband is the one that typically cooks on the grill but our steaks cook best on the stove top using a cast iron skillet. That meant it was up to me. With heart palpitations and a lot of encouragement from one of our customers I tackled the task of cooking my first bone-in ribeye.
I am very thankful for our Five Star Chef Counsel that provides us with special instructions and educates us on how to cook our Grass-Fed Beef. Without them, I would have been up a creek without a paddle. This is a service we offer to our customers when we deliver their orders. Not only do we go over the steps with you but we will send it to you in an email for you to refer back to every time you cook your beef. We desire for you to sit down at home, with your family, around the dinner table to enjoy a $100 steak you cooked. We do not want you to just like our beef, we want you to become Raving Fans.
You never want to thaw the G Farms meat in hot water or a heat source, such as the microwave. Simply set it on the counter or in the sink to let it thaw. After thawing the ribeye, I liberally applied sea salt to each side of the steak and allowed it to rest for about an hour and half. The purpose with this step is to tenderize your steak. I am not going for flavor just yet. When the this process completed, I rinsed all the salt off of the steak and patted it dry. To season my ribeye I used fresh minced garlic and black pepper. To start the cooking process I applied enough olive oil to coat the bottom of my cast iron skillet. I cooked each side about 4 to 5 minutes then let it rest on the plate for 4-5 minutes before cutting into it. I never knew the importance of letting your meat rest until I came to work with G Farms. This allows all the juices to soak back into the meat after cooking. Trust me, you don't want to skip that step.
The end result...AMAZING. The flavor was wonderful. The steak was juicy and tender. Best part about dinner was my kids loved it. They have asked for G Farms steak for dinner multiple times since cooking my first steak. Don’t just take my word for it! Order your G Farms Beef and experience steak like never before.
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