
Bees are the most fascinating creatures. They are interesting to study, exciting to watch, and learn from. Their work ethic and system are nothing short of impressive! 
DO WE OFFER HIVE REMOVAL? - YES. We have been doing hive removals and relocations for a few years now. To schedule a beehive consultation and removal, call 469-380-8459. We serve the following counties : Kaufman, Rockwall, Hunt, Dallas, Collin, Ellis, Tarrant, Henderson, Van Zandt, Travis, & Williamson
honey, bees
Every bee in the hive has a job and serves a purpose. The queen's only job is to lay eggs and a drone's job is to mate with the queen. The worker bees are responsible for everything else: gathering nectar & pollen, guarding the hive, honey production, caring for the queen and larvae, keeping the hive clean, and producing honey.
BEE REMOVALS - We offer swarm and structural hive removals. It is important to know with hive removals, cut out is often involved. We do the cut out. Once the hive is removed, we will assess the repairs necessary with you. It is IMPORTANT to have a hive professionally removed from your home, office, attic, roof, eave, water boxes, storage, or wherever the bees are. If you do not have them professionally removed, you are inviting rats, squirrels, raccoons, ants, termites, mice, opossums, and other issues into your home to replace the bees. All can smell and will tear up whatever to get to the comb, larvae, and honey left behind.
HONEY - what everyone is after for health and healing benefits! Honey is seasonal, so once we are sold out, that is it for the year. This is why it is not listed on our site under our products year round. 
Honey is well known for its high volume of antioxidants, antibiotics, healing, allergy benefits, soothing a sore throat, and more. Honey is known to boost the immunity system. 
We are registered to do bee removals with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service as required by Texas Agriculture Code, Section 131.045, and have obtained a permit that allows the beekeeper to transport bees between counties as required by Texas Agriculture Code, Section 131.043.  Beekeepers registered with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service are excluded from complying with the Texas Structural Pest Control Act pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1951, Structural Pest Control, Section 1951.056.
We are also a registered active member with the Texas Association of Professional Bee Removers