First Month's Progress + Life Update

Catch Up on Life


Hey everyone!  This is the second of my weekly blog posts, so thank you for taking the time to read this.  I hope life has been treating y’all well. Personally, life has been a little hectic for me as of late.  I’ve taken three exams over the last two days, and am barely getting a chance to catch my breath with finals approaching quickly.  Trying to resist the urge for leisure time can be tough, especially with the weather being so nice (at least when it isn’t raining).  This semester has taught me a lot about priorities and time management. My advice for anyone going through a hectic time in their lives right now - After sinking a lot of time and effort into something, but not seeing improvement, getting discouraged seems like the easiest path to take.  Don’t let discouragement and self-doubt dictate how you live your life. Take a step back and look at the big picture. Appreciate the small victories in life more, and learn to turn a negative experience into a positive learning experience.

My First Month

Since joining G Farms as an Intern serving the Austin area, I have learned so much as a result of my encounters and experiences.  When I first started working for Willie, I was overwhelmed by all of the new information. How was I going to learn all of this? Would I even be good at it?  Then I realized being good had nothing to do with it.  Willie has created a working environment at G Farms that is unlike anything else I’ve experienced.  My past experience and skills didn’t matter. What matters is my willingness to learn, and my pursuit of self-improvement.  Willie repeatedly provides me with opportunities to grow and get better. As he would say, improve by one percent everyday! Being a part of this team has opened new doors for me, and I am very appreciative of the relationships I have formed with others as a result of my new position.  

Trying New Things

Learning the ins and outs of a business can be a very strenuous task, especially if you have no prior experience in that field.  My advice for anyone that is nervous about trying something new - New experiences bring intimidation and a risk of failure with them.  I am terrified of failure, so I could easily turn away to avoid being shot down and stay in my comfort zone. OR - Or I could fight my fear of failure.  Leaving your comfort zone is a very difficult thing to do, but I believe the best experiences of your life will be a direct result of you leaving your comfort zone & trying things you never saw yourself doing.  So take a chance today. You know that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for some time now - but you haven’t wholeheartedly pursued it out of fear of failure or change. Do it. Push your boundaries and make yourself uncomfortable.

Leaving my comfort zone to accept this internship has been the best experience of my life.  I am optimistic that the coming months will be a great journey with countless opportunities to better myself, so I can more effectively serve all of you.  Follow along with my weekly blog posts to follow along with my development, as well as discover useful information about G Farms! Thanks for reading my post this week!  Apologies for the short post, as this has been a very busy week for me. Stay tuned for my post next week about cowpooling!


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