Mental Toughness

Lately in the book I have been reading, Fanatical Prospecting, the author stressed the importance of mental toughness. He stated that it did not matter how skilled or educated one was, if they were not mentally tough, they would achieve less success in life than someone who was mentally tough. This was something that really stuck out with me. 

There were several times in this job where mental toughness was required. Whether it be having to call and introduce myself to customers, or spend an hour pulling hay out of the baler, there were definitely times where me and my fellow interns were put out of our comfort zones. However, because we have proven to have the mental toughness required for the job, we have all persevered and done well. 

For me personally, there are definite times where this has come in handy, and I know it will continue to in the future. I am grateful for the experiences that I am gaining now, that will allow me to continue to work on being mentally tough. 

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