The First Year of My College Experience


Hey everyone!  My blog post this week will be a little different than the others you may have read so far.  My last final exam is today, bringing my first year of college to an end. It is a very bittersweet moment.  Leaving the dorm life behind, breaking my routines, making the seemingly-endless drive home, and repeatedly checking the grade book awaiting final grades to be released.  I can’t help but look back at how much has changed in the past year & reflect on how I got to where I am now. 

New* Home

Moving in, I vividly recall the overwhelming feelings of independence, invincibility, and excitement, countered by the fear of isolation from my family, and anxiety for what was to come next.  I slowly learned to adapt to the new way of life. The biggest and toughest adjustment I had to make - being self sufficient. No one is going to give me food to eat, no one cares if I go to class or not, and my parents aren’t around to keep me in line and focused.  I had to learn to care for myself. Life was no longer a simple routine of waking up and going through the motions. I guess you could say, in a way, I kind of had to grow up.  

Far From Home

Being away from my hometown for the first time in my life has provided me with a new-found perspective, blessed me with the opportunity to get to know a multitude of people with very diverse stories and backgrounds, and most importantly, given me direction.  I have always been aware of my ability to impact the world around me, but I've had no clue how I will impact the world.  I am passionate about a variety of things, and believe I could positively influence most of them, given the proper opportunity.  It took me being away from home to realize that if I wanted to do something, I should pursue it myself, instead of waiting for it to drop in my lap.

Joining G Farms

Joining the G Farms team in March turned my world upside down.  And to think I thought I was busy during the first semester! There are days when it feels like it’d be easier to give up, but admitting defeat is the last thing I want any part of.  Working for Willie has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. Having a boss who takes an interest in me and my personal endeavors & encourages me to leave my comfort zone daily is something I never expected to this extent.  Learning to leave my comfort zone has been a slow, steady process, but I am making progress every day.  I never imagined I would be put in a situation like this; surrounded by great people who repeatedly drive me to do better & in a working environment that provides me with endless opportunities to grow.  I could not be happier with where I am today, and remain excited for what the future holds!


Since coming to Texas State in August 2018, it feels as if 5 years have gone by.  The change of scenery did very good for me. Since I was young, I have always found validation for myself from other people.  I wanted to hear someone else say it was good, before trusting my own opinion. Moving here has allowed me to leave a lot of toxic traits behind, including my lack of self-confidence.  I no longer live in fear of disapproval from others around me. I have shifted my focus towards my individual journey. Although I can’t pinpoint the exact way that I’m going to “change the world” yet, I have confidence that the coming months and years will continue to provide me with opportunities to learn and grow.  I will continue to prepare for the worst and expect the best. I plan to improve at least one percent every day.  I still have a very long way to go in my individual journey, but it feels good to reward myself for progress. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading my post as much as I enjoyed writing it!  Come back next week for another article from me.  Are there any topics that you want to see on our blog? 


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