The Importance of Flexibility
One big thing that this internship has taught me is to stay flexible. I have always been someone that likes to make a plan, and stick with it. But life doesn't always work that way, and I have had to learn not to get frustrated when plans do not work out. In the time I have worked on this internship, the weather has majorly pushed back a lot of the plans we had. Even with that, I have observed my coworkers remain patient, and flexible. I have a lot of respect for them for being able to do that, and I have had to make sure that I also do not get frustrated with the things that I cannot control, like the weather.
Another thing that I have learned is to not allow my fear to get the best of me. In the book I am reading, Fanatical Prospecting, the author states that the type of salesperson that everyone wants to be is a superstar. But to be a superstar, one must be willing to be fanatical with prospecting. This means one must be willing to make calls even when they might not be comfortable with it, and to also always be networking. This really spoke to me this week, as I am still somewhat uncomfortable with calling and introducing myself to people. It's not that I don't like talking to people, but before I make a call, there is always a surge of doubt that I might be inconveniencing the other person, or maybe I'll reach them at a bad time and they will get mad at me. When reading Fanatical Prospecting this week, I realized that I cannot allow myself to have doubts, and that at the end of the day, if someone does get mad at me, it's not the end of the world. I have found that with this mindset, it is a lot easier to make phone calls.