Week 4 post: BEEF… it’s what I sell

Beef… Its’s what I sell… except when I don’t: 

      One of the most interesting parts of my job has been taking on a sales role. I am in charge of what I make based on commissions so there is definitely an incentive to sell as much beef as I can. However, throughout my job, Willie has stressed the importance of having a personal relationship with our customer base. That couples well with the concepts I have been learning in “Fanatical Prospecting.” It talks about taking special care to avoid selling out of desperation. Instead make sure you are planning out the motivation and goal for each and every call. This does not always have to be sales. As a result I have been able to have some really interesting conversation with people.

      Regardless, it is so easy to get caught up in numbers and dollar signs. As my book likes to remind me prospecting and rejection will often go hand and hand. So, to avoid finding identity in my work I like to look for the victories. Even though I won’t make a sale every call, that’s not entirely the point. Sometimes people just need a minute to be heard. My favorite part of calls is if I get the chance to take prayer requests for them or pray for them. It has definitely increased my prayer times in the morning, which I enjoy immensely. The best thing about my life is easily Christ. I try to honor the opportunities to invites me into because I know that is where is life is found. Whenever I am able to bring someone else into that time or vice versa it is always a win in my day.


High: I got to go dancing at Billy Bobs with some friends at college.

Low: I have a ten-page paper for college due at the end of this week and it has proven a little more challenging than originally expected. 

Buffalo: I found a men’s XL Ralph Lauren Polo Jacket worth $200.00+ in the field. Happy (late) Father’s Day dad! I also found a neat looking eagle feather. (Score!) 

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