Attitude, Behavior, Technique

Life continues to reign blessings on me. For one, I have been blessed with a job here on the farm coming straight out of the military, and not knowing where to go, nor what to do with my life. Feeling comfortable, and moving forward, it always seems like something will always try to ruin your steadiness. With positive attitude, perseverance, and surrounding yourself with the right crowd, you will always come up out of that rut. Leaning on each other, and relying on your team, always puts you back on the right path. Our weekly meetings at the farm, we always ask each other the same question. "what is your attitude, behavior, and technique for the week, and how do you rate yourself"? This is a big question to ask yourself, not only does it hold you accountable, but it also makes you strive to become better each week. Overall, I rate myself a 9, and here's why. My lovely girl friend (who was once here at the farm many moons ago) has a "go get it" mind set like no other. For months we have been trying to find a house, and to start our life together in a fresh home. We searched what seemed like everywhere, but nothing seemed to work. Our attitude, behavior, and technique was not where it needed to be. We both struggled and stressed on what to do next. But because we pushed ourselves, stayed positive, used our resources, and focused on our dream, she found a home that we could see ourselves starting a life together in. I am proud to say that we signed a lease on a dream home and I couldn't be more proud. What I have learned from this is, not only does the attitude, behavior, and technique question focus on just the farm, it helps me in life itself. Another life lesson learned here on the farm, blessed is an understatement. Hold yourself accountable, stay true to yourself, and let the blessing take over.

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