Garden to the Table

We (Paul and I) started our garden adventure in March. Disking up almost an acre in our front, not at all thinking we were being over ambitions. After careful planning of what we were going to eat and what we are going to end up giving away to neighbors, we planted. Using the "3 Sister" method, where we plant corn, bean and squash. Diving deep into the dream of feeding the family with what we grow. With a mighty cave-man grunt, we started.

Starting off good, we managed to freeze and can some veggies and tickled to give some away. But the lack of rain ran our water bill through the roof. The heat drove us indoors only to be nocturnal gardeners. With watermelon and cucumbers choking out our tomatoes, lesson learned to plant elsewhere. 

I still sit here staring at our crispy garden and bleached out white watermelons not regretting a moment. Cabinets full of pickles we surely won't starve, But what I am grateful for the most is what our dried up crunchy little garden did for us, bringing us together and able to share with our neighbors. God is good.  

Pictured is my husband, Paul and son, Caleb ... harvesting.

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